Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ramadhan, the month of fasting for Muslims

Let the feast begins...
Pic courtesy of Bluryee

This is Ramadhan, the monh of fasting for Muslims wordwide and just to share some common thoughts on it.

Fasting is not easy for the first few days, you feel tired, dizzy, dehydrated, hungry, and more tiredddd. But it is for a good cause. Fasting is not only against food and drinks, but also what you see, speak, and do. Basically, fasting is the month where you do lots of good things and Allah rewards you for it :-) So the more good that you do, e.g. prompt prayers, notations to the poor, Quran recital, helping the poor, and being a good girl n boy, the better it is for you. :-) Basically, fasting is not because you are forced, or because someone asks you to, fasting is simply, because of Allah.

So, we start fasting from before the sun rises to sun sets. That's basically half the day. No wonder it's tiring? Maybe for the first few days, but after the first week, I feel normal. I just run around doing work and shopping... Usually for younger kids, the elderly, pregnant women, and unfit people need not fast.

Breaking fast is usually with family and friends - the more, the merrier! And usually break fast with a glass of drink, or sweet dates. We Malaysians usually have rice or noodles, and some kuihs like curry puffs and spring rolls.

Now, what I look forward to with regards to food, during this month, is the mushrooming of a variety of local food in Pasar Ramadhan around. These people set up stalls of food that they are expert of, and it is a scene that you only get to see during this month of each year.. Talk about Penang, I have 3 favourite place to go for Pasar Ramadhan.

Queen Street (at Georgetown)
This is where you will witness the Indian Muslim community and the various food available, from Nasi briyani, nasi tomato, bihun Singapore, putu mayam, curry puffs and samosas of diffeent flavours - sardine, chicken, beef, vegetarian, to sweet desserts which frankly, I can't even name them... perhaps like laddu, some fried kind od desserts, coconut water, and many more... The food here is always delicious and I see many tourists being brought to this spot to enjoy the different kind of food available. See some pictures at the scene here.

Pasar Ramadhan at Bayan Baru (just beside Sunshine Square mall)
Parking may be horrible and the number of people there may make me dizzy, but, the wide choice of food is amazing. It is because, this part of Penang has the largest concentration of Malay Muslims? I think so...anyways, find food from nasi dagang, nasi kerabu (sooo soo tasty) , nasi briyani, nasi kandar, nasi campur, murtabak,kebabs, ayam golek, kuih muih, mee, bihun, and ayam percik.... not forgetting lemang and serunding. Always be careful not to over buy because, it's really exciting to see all the food! Best time to go is about 4pm - 5.30pm. after which, most would have finished being sold already. See some pictures at the scene here.

Pasar Ramadhan near USM (near the Ivory apartment)
Much cheaper and this is probably because it is very near to the USM student's accommodation... and good food, really. They have chicken rice, curry puffs, spring rolls, laksa, kebabs, various desserts especially jellies and cream caramel, and drinks. Now here, parking is easier and not too busy!

My favourite....
drink: Air Sirap Selasih (sweet basil drink in red syrup)
kuih: Chicken samosas from Queen Street
main course: Chicken briyani from Hussains' Queen Street & Nasi Kerabu from Pasar Ramadhan Bayan Baru
dessert: cream caramel from either place!

What is your favourite food during the month of Ramadhan? It would be a good experience, even if you're not fasting, to join us and visit the various Pasar Ramadhan around your local area. The fasting month not only is for the Muslims, but also for everyone to enjoy the food and culture it brings! :-)


  1. ohmygoodness.

    ARGHH!!! those pictures are...yummy...nasib baik less than three hours left to buka.

  2. Haha, Selamat berbuka to u and, any chance ure coming back for Raya?
    U're in Chicago rite?


Thank you for your foodie comment.