Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grilled Chicken & Sausage, Curried Potatoes & Broccoli

Recently I got excited about grilling. Need some Western food after all the pasta, tom yum and the usual dishes I always prepare. Don't you just run out of ideas of what to cook sometimes? I know I do. It's normal. But it can be annoying...

Been wanting a grill pan for quite some time, but those really good ones costs over RM300 (+/- USD88). I got a Tefal grill pan for RM135 at Parkson's - it is not as heavy as the usual grill pans, but it'll do for now. I'm having fun with it :-)

The first thing I made was this grilled chicken. Also tried salmon, but it's not in the picture (are you thinking that I messed up the salmon?? I actually did :-P) I am still not really used to grilling the meat - like chicken breast, salmon, steaks... I like my meat cooked. No red meat. Not me. I know many out there who likes it rare or medium rare... but not me...
Anyways. Self note is to learn and practice how to grill to perfection. Meanwhile, I successfully made this diner to share with you readers!

Chicken breasts are good for grilling - it's fuss free and very easy to prepare. Healthy lean meat too, so you know you are eating good food. Oh, except for that piece of sausage I added... so happened I wanted to grill some sausages but once in a while sausages are nice to eat. Vegetables - broccoli and carrots are simply either steamed or lighted stir fried with a little bit of butter. And potatoes - a little carb will make our tummy happy... good carb. Not too much. Simply marinated them with a dash of curry powder and pop it in the oven... tastes really good.

I added some mozzarella cheese on top of the chicken after grilling, but I would not frequently o this as cheese does add those calories. I can never really eat too much cheese on meats, it just does not go with me. I love cheese with pasta tho! :-)
:: Grilled Chicken & Sausage, Curried Potatoes & Broccoli ::
Serves 2

2 chicken breasts
2 sausages
salt & freshly grounded pepper
Worcestershire sauce (optional)

Marinate these with a dash of salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce and put aside while you prepare the below. After you've prepared and cook the veges and potatoes, then grill the chicken and sausages until cooked or as preferred. This is to serve them while they're warm and nice. Add some mozzarella cheese on the chicken to add a cheesy topping.

Broccoli & Carrots
Cut these veges as you like, small or big sizes, then steam or stir fry them with a little bit of butter, or alternatively with olive oil. It's ok if you don't want to use any oil as they cook easily. Then place them nicely on one corner of a serving dish.

Curried Potatoes
1 large potato, cleaned and cut into wedges. Keep the skin with the potato.
Marinate with some olive oil and sprinkle generous amount of curry powder. I added some chili powder to spice it up a little. Wrap in a foil and bake for 30 minutes or until cooked. Open the foil and bake for 5-10 minutes until skin is crispy. Arrange next to the veges on the serving plate.

Once you've cooked the veges and potatoes, grill the chicken and sausages until cooked and serve warm. Enjoy! :-) Perfect for those weekdays dinner time..

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