Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Creamy Garlic Prawns

This is a hit - any corner of the world you go, I think people love prawns. Except for a few... including me! I thought I'd give it a chance sometimes, especially because my beloved ones do eat these cute little prawns. Such bliss to be away from the office in the middle of the week. Until of course, colleagues started to call and sms telling me there's a FULL DAY course to attend this Saturday. Ugh. Don't you people understand the words "on annual leave"? It means, I'm outta the office, please don't disturb me!!!

Anyways. There goes my beautiful Saturday OFF WORK. Ugh. Now, Back to my prawns...

My fridge isn't Jamie Oliver's or Nigella's... and I'm not as hardworking as the Take Home Chef, so, cooking is usually based on what's left in the fridge. With nothing much in the fridge, and wanting to get rid of the prawns my mum gave some time ago, I googled up "garlic prawns" and found some interesting recipes for prawns!

Two of my favourite (because they look so delicious and savouryyy) were the Garlic Prawns from Exclusively Food, and another Garlic Prawns from Taste.com.

The first one called for lots of garlic and some cream and fresh basils. I knew I could make this one as ingredients were very minimal... so I headed to the kitchen, and I came up with a "modified" recipe, according to what I have at home.

:: Creamy Garlic Prawns ::

10 medium sized prawns, peeled and cleaned
1 tablespoon butter or extra virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon of parsley flakes
2 tablespoon whipped cream

1. Heat up the butter/oil in a medium frying pan. Throw in the prawns and cook until prawns are half cooked, about 2 minutes, turning on to the other side to cook.
2. Add finely chopped garlic and stir for about less than a minute on a low-medium heat, ensuring that the garlic is just soft and not browned (it gets bitter when browned).
3. Add in whipped cream and stir, combining all the garlicky flavours and lastly, sprinkle the parsley flakes and mix.
4. Turn the heat off, and serve warm as entre or with steamed rice.

I've got to confess, this is my first try and the taste is awesome. Simple, easy and delicious! My kinda cooking!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sweet Potato & Carrot Curry

Funny that I thought this recipe of mine is too sweet - for my liking at least, but my husband loved it very much. While making some of this over for lunch, he said it smelled so good. I said, "Smell can be deceiving!" Because this is something I rarely make and would of forgotten what I put in the last time I made it...

But he loved it, and for me, if it was just a little less sugar, I would had loved it. But, so long as the guest enjoys it... why bother adjusting the taste to your liking??

:: Recipe ::
2 medium potatoes, cut into small cubes
1 carrot, cut into small cubes
2 rose onions, sliced
1 garlic clove, sliced
1/2 cup of santan (coconut milk)
1/3 cup water
2-3 tablespoon curry powder (I used Babas chicken curry powder)
1 stick cinnamon, 1 star anise
a few curry leaves
2-3 teaspoon brown sugar
salt & pepper to taste

1. With some oil in a pot, fry the garlic and onions. Add in the cinnamon and anise and fry until aromatic. Throw in the carrots and potatoes, cook for about 3 minutes.
2. Add in curry powder, stirring. Add in water, gradually and then add in the salt, pepper, sugar, curry leaves.
3. When carrots and potatoes soften, add in the santan and stir. Cook until the curry thickens, about 5-10 minutes.